What to Do When Adult Teeth Grow Behind Baby Teeth

As parents, it can be alarming to notice adult teeth starting to grow in before baby teeth have fallen out.

This situation is often referred to as "shark teeth" because it can resemble the double row of teeth seen in sharks. But rest assured, this is a common occurrence and usually not a cause for serious concern.

Why Do Adult Teeth Grow Behind Baby Teeth?

Typically, adult teeth develop under the baby teeth and push them out as they erupt. However, in some cases, the permanent teeth emerge behind the baby teeth instead. This can happen for a few reasons:

  1. Timing Issues:
    If a baby tooth is stubborn and doesn’t fall out on time, the adult tooth may begin to grow in behind it. This often happens with the lower front teeth and occasionally with the upper front teeth.

  2. Space Constraints:
    Sometimes, there isn’t enough room for the adult tooth to push the baby tooth out, leading it to erupt in a different position.

  3. Developmental Variations:
    Every child’s dental development is unique. In some cases, the root of the baby tooth doesn’t dissolve as quickly, leading to delayed loss of the baby tooth.

What to Expect

When you notice an adult tooth growing behind a baby tooth, you might be wondering what to do next. Here’s what to expect:

  • Baby Tooth Movement: The baby tooth may become loose on its own over time, especially if the adult tooth is exerting pressure. Encourage your child to gently wiggle the loose tooth to help it fall out naturally.

  • Double Row of Teeth: If the baby tooth does not come out on its own, your child may have two rows of teeth for a short period. This can seem strange, but it’s typically a temporary situation.

  • Consulting a Dentist: If the baby tooth does not become loose or fall out within a few weeks, or if the adult tooth appears significantly out of alignment, it’s a good idea to consult with a dentist. They can evaluate whether the baby tooth needs to be extracted to make room for the adult tooth.

When to Visit the Dentist

Most of the time, this situation resolves on its own, but there are instances when you should visit a dentist:

  • No Movement of Baby Tooth: If the baby tooth remains firm and doesn’t show signs of loosening after a couple of weeks, it may need to be professionally removed to allow the adult tooth to come in properly.

  • Crowding or Misalignment: If the adult tooth is coming in at an odd angle or there is visible crowding, a dentist can provide guidance on whether orthodontic treatment may be needed in the future.

  • Persistent Pain or Discomfort: If your child is experiencing pain or discomfort, a dental visit is warranted to ensure there aren’t any underlying issues.

How to Manage the Situation at Home

While waiting for the baby tooth to fall out, there are a few things you can do at home:

  • Encourage Gentle Wiggling: Suggest your child gently wiggle the loose tooth with their tongue or clean fingers. This can help it come out more quickly.

  • Maintain Oral Hygiene: Continue with regular brushing and flossing to keep the area clean, especially around the loose tooth and the emerging adult tooth.

  • Monitor Changes: Keep an eye on the situation. If you notice any signs of discomfort or the adult tooth appears to be growing in an unusual direction, it’s best to consult with a dentist.

Final Thoughts

Adult teeth growing behind baby teeth is a common occurrence in children and usually resolves itself without any issues. However, staying vigilant and knowing when to seek dental advice can ensure that your child’s transition from baby teeth to adult teeth goes smoothly.

If you have any concerns or if the situation doesn’t seem to be progressing as expected, don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist. They can provide the best guidance for maintaining your child’s healthy smile.

Remember: Every child’s dental development is unique, and what’s normal for one child may not be the same for another. Patience and professional guidance are key to navigating this stage of growth.

Dr Zaeem Jafri BDS

Zaeem is a general and cosmetic dentist and the founder of Nova Smiles. He is also the clinical director of a private dental practice in London carrying out general and cosmetic work.


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