Bright Smiles from Baby to Teen

Childrens’ Dental Health

Last updated: 24th July 2024 by Dr Zaeem Jafri and Dr Alice Jamison

Ensuring your child’s dental health is a crucial part of their overall well-being, and it starts from day one.

This comprehensive guide supports you every step of the way, from teething troubles in infancy to maintaining those pearly whites through the teenage years.

You'll find expert advice, practical tips, and age-specific guidance to help you navigate your child’s dental development. Whether you're a new parent wondering when to schedule the first dental visit or a seasoned pro looking for ways to make brushing fun, we've got you covered.

Let’s embark on this journey together to build healthy habits and bright smiles that will last a lifetime.

Age 0-2: Baby Teeth

Caring for your baby's teeth early on sets the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles. During the first two years, your child will experience significant dental milestones, starting with the eruption of their first tiny tooth.

Understanding these milestones and how to care for emerging teeth is crucial for preventing early childhood dental issues.

At this stage it will be crucial to make sure you are doing the right things to establish good habits and prevent decay in their baby teeth by cleaning them well.

Key Developmental Milestones

  • Most infants start teething at around six months

  • By age 2, your child will likely have a complete set of 20 baby teeth

Key Tips

  • Brush the baby’s teeth and gums as early as possible

  • Avoid using dummies

  • Avoid night-time milk through a bottle once their teeth have come through

  • Get them to a dentist as soon as their first tooth erupts

Age 3-5: Pre-school

Caring for your child's teeth between the ages of 3 and 5 is a crucial step in setting the foundation for lifelong oral health.

At this age, children are developing greater independence, but they still need guidance and support when it comes to brushing, flossing, and making healthy food choices.

This stage is also when many kids will start to remember their visits to the dentist, making it an important time to establish positive habits and attitudes toward dental care.

By focusing on fun, engaging routines and being a role model, you can help your child maintain a bright, healthy smile as they grow.

Key Developmental Milestones

  • By age 2-3, your child will likely have a complete set of 20 baby teeth

  • During this age range there won’t be many changes to your child’s teeth

Key Tips

  • Establish good routines and habits when it comes to diet and brushing

  • Visit the dentist regularly. It’s free on the NHS

  • Supervise their brushing and make it fun

Age 6-12: Time For School

From the age of 5-6, your child will start the process of replacing their baby teeth with adult teeth. This is a very important phase of dental and general development for your child.

The presence of adult teeth makes establishing good oral hygiene even more important, but with your child growing up and now going to school, making them appreciate this can be challenging!

Our guides below will help you navigate oral care for your school-going child.

Key Developmental Milestones

  • By 5-6, your child will start losing baby teeth and growing adult teeth

  • They will complete their set of adult teeth at around 12

  • Some children will require braces in this age range to prevent extractions in the future

Key Tips

  • Ensure your child is seeing a dentist yearly

  • Establish a good diet and oral hygiene

  • Make sure they are looking after their teeth at school

  • If they have severe crowding, see an orthodontist earlier rather than later (you may need to go private for this)

Age 13-18: Teenagers

As your child transitions from early adolescence into their teenage years, their dental needs evolve alongside them.

This guide helps parents navigate the key developmental milestones for 12-18 year olds, including the emergence of wisdom teeth and the potential need for orthodontic treatment and braces.

It also emphasizes the importance of reinforcing good dental habits as teens gain more independence.

Key Developmental Milestones

  • From 12 your child will be eligible for braces since all of their adult teeth are now present

  • Their wisdom teeth can start coming through from the age of 17-25

Key Tips

  • Wear a mouthguard for contact sports

  • Although they are independent, make sure they are brushing properly

  • Encourgae healthy dietary habits

  • Avoid fizzy drinks, tobacco products

  • Bad breath is a big conern both in terms of health and confidence at this age, talk to yoru children about it

Guides for 13-18 year olds

Coming soon…

Recommended dental products for Children

All of these recommendations are based on the knowledge and experience of our dentists and come personally recommended. If you want to speak to our dentists about any personalised recommendations or for individual product reviews, you can chat with them here.

Most of these products are available for quick delivery on Amazon. If you use our links to buy them, we may earn a little money, but be assured that our dentists routinely direct patients to these products anyway.

By: Dr Zaeem Jafri


We recommend getting children to use electric brushes as soon as possible.