How to stop receding gums from getting worse?
This blog post is brought to you by the gum disease specialists at RW Perio, a specialist gum disease clinic based in London.
Creating the perfect smile often starts with the focus on the teeth and lips however it’s the gums that can severely alter the overall design of the overall look. But on closer examination - is your smile literally receding before your eyes?
Overly brushing or scrubbing your teeth may seem like a good idea but you could be causing more damage than good by brushing too hard. You may be brushing the gum away which can lead to gum recession, sensitivity, and irreversible damage.
What is Gum Recession?
Gum recession (as it is clinically known) happens when the gum tissue has receded and lowers its position on the tooth, exposing the roots of the teeth.
The recession itself is caused over a period of time, often by plaque, overly aggressive brushing, orthodontics or trauma from e.g. lip/tongue piercings.
You may be at more risk of recession depending on the position of your teeth in the jaw as well as the thickness of your gum and bone.
How do I treat gum recession?
Treating gum recession can instantly restore confidence and can often have a positive long-term impact on the entire smile aesthetics with the procedure ensuring minimal disruption to your lifestyle, with fast recovery and little downtime afterwards.
This can involve both non-surgical and minimally invasive surgical techniques.
Non-surgical techniques
If a non-surgical approach is taken, this will involve disinfecting using piezo and airflow technology, applying serum to the exposed root to strengthen it, and designing a bespoke regime for home care to avoid further recession.
Surgical techniques
With surgery, the aim is to cover the exposed root and thicken the gums to prevent further recession and additionally improve aesthetics.
At RW Perio our bespoke prescription is designed to successfully prevent and treat existing Gum Recession following on from The RW Perio Specialist Assessment.
Aligned with the rest of your body, healthy gums ensure an immediate sign of health and vitality. This is a simple procedure that aligns both health and aesthetics.
RW Perio is a specialist Gum Disease clinic located in Central London.
Designed with a highly personalised specialist periodontist set-up, all periodontal treatment at RW Perio is administered to the specialist periodontist prescription of the UK’s leading Gum/Periodontal Specialists and our team of Advanced Hygienists all have the sought-after Postgraduate Diploma in Periodontics.