Resin-bonded bridge (RBB)
Also known as a “Maryland Bridge”
Last updated: 11th March 2024
Written by Dr Zaeem Jafri
What’s a resin-bonded bridge?
A resin-bonded bridge (RBB) is a way to replace a missing tooth without having to remove a lot of enamel from the teeth on either side of the space.
An RBB involves a false tooth (to fill the gap) which is attached to a metal wing that sticks onto the back of the tooth next to the space you are filling.
A gap in between the canine and incisor tooth
Gap filled by using an RBB
RBBs can be used as a permanent solution to missing teeth at the front of the month and they are also used a lot as temporary teeth during implant placement.
RBBs are not usually recommended for back teeth because the chewing forces can knock them off, although this varies for each individual person.
Most of the time, your teeth require no drilling at all
The top front tooth needs to come out because it has fractured
The tooth is removed
An RBB is fitted immediately after, filling the gap until the patient is ready for an implant
How are resin-bonded bridges different to ‘normal’ bridges?
A normal bridge works by putting a crown on the teeth beside the space you are trying to fill. A false tooth is then attached to the side of the crown. This is very destructive and has long term consequences for the tooth that has had a crown put on it.
A normal bridge may be a good idea when the teeth on either side of the space would benefit from having crowns anyway. If the teeth on either side of the gap havn’’t had any fillings and are healthy, then an RBB would be a much more conservative option.
An RBB with a tooth coloured wing
An RBB with a metal wing
Aftercare and maintenance of RBBs
Cleaning the RBB
It is important that you take good care in cleaning your RBB, normal brushing alongside flossing and interdental brushing is extremely important to stop bacteria from getting trapped at the edges of the bridge and causing decay.
You will also need to clean underneath the false tooth using some special floss which you can find here.
Routine check-ups
Your dentist will inspect the RBB every year during your routine checkups and will take x-rays regularly to make sure there is no decay starting around the edges of the bridge.
Chat with our dentists for free
If you want to speak to one of our dentist about bridges or anything else, press the button below to start a free online consultation.