Dental Implants - All on 4

Last updated: 24th July 2023

Written by Dr Zaeem Jafri

The All-On-4 Revolution in Dental Implants

In the ever-evolving world of dentistry, one innovation has revolutionised how we think about tooth replacements: the All-On-4 dental implant system. Designed for those who have lost or are about to lose all their teeth across an arch, All-On-4 provides a permanent and natural-looking solution that restores functionality and aesthetics.

dental implants all on 4 diagram showing implants, abutments, screws on a lower jaw

What are all-on-4 dental implants?

All-On-4 dental implants refer to a revolutionary technique where a full arch of teeth is supported by just four dental implants. Traditional dental implant methods might require 6-8, or even more, implants to support an entire arch, but the All-On-4 system simplifies and accelerates the restoration process, often allowing for immediate results.

The 4 implants in the all-on-4 method are placed at specific angles in your jaw bone to distribute the load in a certain way, minimising the need for several implants.

All-on-4 has become a gold standard technique in restoring an entire arch of missing teeth.

An OPG xray showing upper and lower all on 4 dental implants

A dental x-ray showing upper and lower all-on-4 implants

Benefits of the All-On-4 System

All on 4 dental implants are becoming increasingly popular due to a variety of benefits such as:

  1. Fewer Implants, More Efficiency: By relying on just four implants, the All-On-4 procedure is quicker and often more cost-effective than traditional methods.

  2. Immediate Results: In many cases, temporary teeth can be placed on the same day as the implant surgery, allowing you to leave the dental office with a new set of teeth.

  3. Bone Preservation: All-On-4 implants often eliminate the need for bone grafting, which is sometimes required with traditional implant procedures.

  4. Natural Appearance: The end result looks and feels like natural teeth, restoring your confidence and smile.

  5. Ease of Care: Just like your natural teeth, you brush and floss your All-On-4 implants, making home care simple.

Is the All-On-4 System Right for Me?

The ideal candidate for the All-On-4 dental implant system is someone who has lost most, if not all, of their teeth or is on the verge of doing so. As always, it's essential to consult with a dental implant specialist to evaluate your unique needs.

As long as you are healthy with no medical or lifestyle reasons preventing you from having dental implants, all-on-4 will likely be a good option.

Your dentist will take a 3D scan of your jaw bones to ensure you have enough healthy bone to place the 4 implants where they need to be. If you don’t, you may require bone grafting or additional implants to support the final bridge that will be made on top of the implants.

The All-On-4 Procedure: What to Expect

  1. Consultation: The first step involves a detailed consultation where the dentist will assess the health of your jaws and the position of the remaining teeth and discuss your desired outcomes.

  2. Planning: Using advanced imaging technology, your dentist will create a tailored treatment plan to determine the exact positioning of the four implants.

  3. Surgery: Under local anaesthesia (with or without sedation), the implants are strategically placed in the jawbone.

  4. Immediate Loading: Temporary teeth are often fixed in on the same day, allowing you to walk out with a renewed smile. If fixed temporary teeth are not possible for your situation, you will be made a temporary denture to wear during the healing process

  5. Healing: Over the next few months, the implants will integrate with the jawbone in a process called osseointegration.

  6. Final Restoration: Once healed, the temporary teeth are replaced with a permanent, custom-designed set of teeth, crafted to fit your mouth perfectly and to match the aesthetics of a natural smile.

The temporary teeth are also custom designed but made of a much softer material. This is done mainly to save on cost but also so that your dentist can review and adjust the shapes of the teeth according to your bite and comfort.

Many people are worried about being left with no teeth, don’t worry; a good dentist will always ensure you have something to walk away from the clinic with in between appointments, whether temporary teeth fixed into the implants or a denture.

Maintenance of Your All-On-4 Dental Implants

The success of your all on 4 implants (or implants in general) depends heavily on how well you care for them.

Even though you walk away with a new smile, you still need to ensure you correctly clean underneath your implant bridge and around the implant fixtures.

Failing to look after your all-on-4 implants can lead to the implants becoming infected and falling out.

  • Brush Twice Daily: This ensures the removal of plaque and food particles from around your implant bridge

  • Floss Regularly: Special floss such as (Superfloss) or interdental brushes can help clean around the implants.

  • Regular Dental Check-ups: Periodic visits allow your dentist to monitor the health of the implants and ensure the longevity of your new smile. Your dentist will unscrew your bridge to check and clean the implants underneath to ensure everything is healthy and stable.

Dental implants, if looked after well, will last for over 20 years. However, if you fail to keep them clean and have them reviewed regularly by a dentist, they can fail much sooner. The bridge/denture over your implants will likely need replacing every 15-20 years.

How much does all on 4 dental implants cost?

Many factors affect the cost of your all-on-4 dental implants but as a rough guide, all on 4 dental implants cost between £10,000 - £15,000 per arch.

The cost of your treatment depends on a variety of factors and you will be told your treatment fee after your initial consultation with a dentist.

Your treatment will be more expensive if you need to have several teeth removed first, if you require extensive bone grafting or if you are visiting an extremely high-quality dentist and choosing to have cosmetic upgrades to your final teeth.

Most dental practices will offer payment plans that allow you to spread the cost of your treatment over 12 - 60 months.

How long do all on 4 dental implants take?

Each individual is different, and your timings and stages will vary depending on your situation. Below you’ll find the typical stages of full-mouth dental implant treatment. The total time can take around 6-9 months; however, your dentist will always make sure you have some temporary teeth to be using throughout that period (either a temporary bridge or a temporary denture.

Diagnostics and planning (2 weeks)

Before starting your treatment, your dentist will complete a full assessment and gather records such as pictures, videos, x-rays, scans and impressions. They will use this information to work with their lab technician to plan what your final teeth will look like and where the ideal position for the implants is in your jaw.

Surgical stages (3-6 months)

The surgical stages of the treatment involve:

  • Removing any failing teeth.

  • Placing a bone graft as required.

  • Placing the implants in the correct positions.

These stages are usually done across two appointments 8-12 weeks apart; however, they can sometimes be done on the same day if your situation allows it.

Restorative stages (3 months)

Once your implants have settled and healed, your dentist will begin constructing the bridge/denture on top of the implants. Depending on your chosen solution, this process can take 2-4 appointments (2 weeks apart).

Same-day smile dental implant treatment

If you are being treated by a skilled dentist and your clinical situation allows for it, you may be able to have your teeth removed, implants placed, and a temporary bridge made all in 1 single appointment. This treatment is commonly known as ‘smile in a day or ‘same-day smile.’

After your treatment appointment, you will walk away with a provisional all-on-4 bridge which your dentist will replace with a permanent bridge around three months later.

What can go wrong with all on 4 dental implants?

No treatment is ever risk-free, and all on 4 implants are no different. If you look after implants well and ensure you visit your dentist regularly, you should be able to get many years out of your implant treatment. However, a failure to maintain them properly can have consequences.

  • The implants don’t take to your jawbone.

    There is a 1/20 risk that the implant placed in your jaw doesn’t take. Usually, the dentist will try again and place a new implant, but if the failure keeps happening, alternative solutions may need to be discussed.

  • The bridge/denture chips or breaks

    Your prosthesis can chip or break due to biting on hard items or grinding. Your dentist will repair these breaks or replace the entire prosthesis if required.

  • The implants fail

    If food or plaque bacteria build up around the implant, the implants can either get infected or they can start failing. If they fail, implants will become loose and will need to be removed and replaced.

Your Smile Reimagined with All-On-4 Dental Implants

Losing teeth can be a challenging experience, both emotionally and physically. The All-On-4 dental implant system offers a beacon of hope, providing a durable, natural-looking, and efficient solution.

If you're seeking to restore your smile with minimal fuss and optimal results, it might be time to consider the world of possibilities the All-On-4 system presents. Your dream smile is just a consultation away.

Chat with our dentists about implants

If you want to explore all-on-4 dental implants, chat with one of our dentists.

We’ll be able to assess your teeth, give you more personalised information about what to expect from implant treatment and refer you to the best practices near you.